Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 3: This is my eggplant. It has gotten WAY bigger but, I don't want it to be just big. I want it healthy too. Here are some possible diseases and tips on how to keep your eggplant healthy.

Aphids are bugs that mostly gather on leaves and on stems of an eggplant. They can fall off with a strong blast of water or when sprayed with insecticidal soap. (Be sure to read the instructions!) Another good way to get rid of them is to let lady bugs eat'em. To them they are delicious!

Mites are usually a problem that people don't notice until it's too late. Mites are so small that you need a magnifying glass to see them. They prefer hot dry climates. They kill the plant by sucking the juices out of it. The leaves will turn in to a yellow color. To get rid of them wash with water for about a week or use insecticidal spray. (Be sure to read the instruction!)

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